At 28.01 we remember every year since 2007 on the topic of data protection at the Data Protection Day . This date was chosen as the European Data Protection Convention was signed on 01.28.1981 and for the first time regulations for the entire European Union.
The aim of this day is to raise awareness among the citizens of the European Union for the privacy issue . In 2008, then even the U.S. and Canada joined in the initiative of the Data Protection Day. The affairs of this is just interesting in terms of the U.S. and the NSA , everyone likes judge himself .
Today , for example, we could follow a live Twitter chat about data protecion from 12:00 bis 13:00 clock . Who wants to follow the tweets , looking for EUdataP # + # EUchat .
Especially the EU Commission answered on Twitter , many questions on the topic and taking statements and opinions expressed serious. I find this openness and transparency exemplary. Although the mills in the EU also grind slowly than desired, here something is happening !
To support this goal , and the idea further is founded on data protection in the IT on this day , a 28 -part blog series . I have and will gather together many people from the topic and publish blog posts here or refer to other blogs.
Blog Series: Privacy – begins with yourself
From tomorrow you will be on in German : Privacy Policy and English at under data policy will find the first information and the topics of the first blog posts .