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ReBuild in Nantes – Raphael Köllner is one of the speaker

On the day of German reunification I am drawn to Nantes in France. This year the ReBuild takes place there with many interesting speakers and sessions. Also I will hold two sessions at this conference!

Conference in Nantes
Location: ADELIS Nantes

When: 03 October 2019




1st Office 365 Pro Plus – Telemetry, data privacy and security

In this session, we will take up the challenge of telemetry at Office 365. The current discussions will be prepared for this purpose, explaining what is meant by telemetry and what it is used for. Furthermore, the new group policies and registry entries are presented in more detail. After an excursion to the new Microsoft documentation on this topic, I show a possible configuration and solution in my demo environment. So Office 365 Pro Plus can be used in the context of the current legislation including DSGVO.

2. Kaizala Pro a simple and secure chat app for work

This session introduces the Kaizala Pro Chat from India. An application specially developed for first-line workers such as road builders or vendors is compared to yammers and teams. Furthermore there are some demos and best practices in handling the new chat client in the Office 365 Suite. In the penultimate part I check Kaizala with regard to contracts and functions for data protection and data security aspects. In the last part of the session, I will discuss the transition and integration into Microsoft teams and explain how this will work in practice.