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Raphael Köllner become a Microsoft Regional Director

The Microsoft Regional Director Program is reserved for 175 people worldwide and recognizes the influence in business. Microsoft describes this small number of individuals as “Trusted advisors to the developer and IT community and Microsoft.

The RD Program

“The Regional Director Program provides Microsoft executives with the customer insights and real-world voices they need to continue providing developers and IT professionals with the most innovative and effective tools, services and solutions in the world.

Founded in 1993, the program is comprised of 175 of the world’s leading technology visionaries, specifically selected for their proven cross-platform expertise, community leadership, and commitment to business results. Typically, you will find Regional Directors at top industry events, leading community groups and local initiatives, running technology-driven businesses or consulting and implementing the latest breakthrough in a multinational company.


Raphael Köllner

Raphael Köllner has now been named Microsoft Regional Director for the first time for two years. So far he was and is Microsoft Valuable Professional (MVP) in two categories (Office Apps & Services, Windows Insider). He currently works for Alegri Devoteam GmbH as lead consultant and founder of In both positions he advises international corporations in the areas of Modern Workplace, Security, Data Protection and Compliance.

As Microsoft Regional Director, I am now looking forward to facing new challenges and continuing to be the trusted advisor for the IT audience, Microsoft and my attorney colleagues with full energy,” said Raphael Köllner yesterday when we approached him about the appointment.