We are living in a world of security, compliance and data privacy. This world need the best software for collecting information. Most of the companies in Europe and worldwide use OneNote to collect their information OnPremises and with OneDrive for example at the Microsoft Cloud. Moreover all my friends and my family around me use OneNote with the private version of OneDrive to collect and share information. But OneNote as one issue, no not the one that you can´t use offline notebooks at the future, I mean encryption. Today you can´t OneNote with RMS, you can´t
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The GDPR will come in the next three month. In this connection the companies around the world and also in Europe need to be compliant with these regulation, the national law and the rules of the national authorities. In this result the Yammer Policy are a essential way to define and share social network rules to the members of the Yammer network.
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